Thursday, October 18, 2012

100th Post... and my booty hurts

**Tah-Dah!** My 100th post. I'm kind of surprised it took me this long (1.5 years) to reach 100 posts. I thought I would be here sooner. I think when I first moved over here I had more time and more to say, so I posted often. Anymore I either don't have time, or I don't really have any new exciting stories unless we are traveling. I can only write posts about the drama of a dental office, scraping on teeth, and procrastinating on homework so often... Since the in-laws left I have discovered this semester I am an exceptional procrastinator. I will pass, I will do well (because I don't think I'm capable of letting myself fail)... but for now I am finding reading books for pleasure, baking cookies, planning out my mom's trip, and cleaning (HA! Yes, cleaning) to be more entertaining than my homework. Eh well.

On a happier note... I (once again. Always.) have an amazing, supportive husband. In the last few weeks I have been complaining like a typical female about wanting to lose five/ten pounds, about wanting to get back in better shape, ect. ect. I walk outside around our village. Walking is wonderful. I'm not really much of a runner. I will run in the capacity of an elliptical at the gym. That's about it. I could go to the gym on base for free. However, we live 20 minutes from base, on the days I work I get home between 6:30 and 7:30 - the last thing I want to do is go back to base to work out, most of the exercise classes I am interested in happen on the days I work, and insert other lame excuse here. It is very easy to find and make excuses for yourself. One of the biggest stumbling blocks (aside from just getting myself UP and OUT the door to the gym) is that my favorite gym activity really isn't available to me at the moment. I love spinning. Shocking, I know. Someone who really hates going to the gym and hates physical exercise outside of dancing or yoga loves spinning. I discovered it a few years ago, and before I moved to Germany was going to spin class about 2-4 times a week. They have spin classes on base, but... the days/times they offer don't work with my work schedule AND those classes are "reserved" for active duty. Meaning if I'm in class and the class is full and an active duty member comes in, I have to give up my bike for them. LAME.

Josh, in his attempt to be supportive, has been encouraging me to get out to run (HA!), or walk... and he has mentioned that I should look online to try and find a used spin bike or used elliptical which we could have at the house. I liked that idea because it cut down on my excuses. I worked last Saturday, and Josh surprised me by wanting to go with me down to work. While I was at work he did some shopping... and bought me my very own spin bike. I was shocked. When we got home Saturday evening he got it set up in our computer room. This way (he reasoned) I could listen to music or stream a TV show while I worked out.
 Hello Gorgeous. Ignore the mess which surrounds the bike...

Thus far I've had three work outs on it, and MAN am I ever out of shape. My legs and bum muscles are screaming at me! Oh and it hurts to sit down. As I climbed on the bike this morning my bum was begging me not to... In a way I feel lame to basically be starting over. I feel (I AM) so out of shape. I used to push myself through an hour long class and at the moment I'm struggling to get through 20-30 minutes. But. I'm lapping everyone sitting on the couch. That's what I keep telling myself. Keep going girl. You got it.

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