A gal I work with invited us to join her and her husband at the Stuttgart Oktoberfest. Well, it's actually called Stuttgart Constatter Volksfest. Oktoberfest. They had bought tickets for a beer tent, and had invited us and my friend Kristy. Everyone says Stuttgart is THE Oktoberfest to go to. We quickly accepted this invitation.
We went to Oktoberfest in Munich last year, and it was fun. Crowded and crazy, but fun. We did notice that everyone was wearing dirndls and lederhosen. We were in the minority wearing our jeans and t-shirts. Josh and I decided to invest in some "German" clothing for this festival. I think we look hilarious and awesome. We all met up in Stuttgart and first wandered around taking it all in. This looked similar to Oktoberfest (really all German festivals) - a carnival, a midway, games, food. It is much smaller than the Oktoberfest in Munich, but I liked it. It wasn't as crowded or crazy. We then went to the beer tent and got settled in. If you think you couldn't sit down and drink liters upon liters of beer for hours on end... you're wrong. You just haven't tried in the right atmosphere. I'll let you figure out the rest of our day through pictures...
And here I am winning a chugging contest... making Montana and my mother proud.
Josh and I both agreed Stuttgart was much more fun than Munich (I'm sure it had nothing to do with the company we had). Many Americans in our area claim Stuttgart is better than Munich, and I have to agree. It is our new favorite, and we are already making plans to go back next year.
I hope my beer-infused pictures were enough to make up for my lack of posting. We leave Thursday for our Greek island cruise - excited doesn't even begin to cover it. Just know after this break/silence there will be pictures and details of the cruise posted.
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