This post is a bit late in coming. We've been having a few problems getting internet going at the new house. Luckily our phone is working so I can still call back stateside to talk to family, but without the internet I have felt very out of the loop and out of touch. But the good news is we are in our house. What an adventure it was to get there.
In my head I had pictured this wonderful organized move where things would go smoothly (giggle giggle. Silly me, thinking that). As the day came closer for us to move, things began to slowly fall apart. I had been packing and sorting through things, but I still had a fair amount of things to go through. However, I had been neglecting my school work, and I couldn't neglect it any longer. So a few days before the move I had to take time for school, which kind of put me behind in packing. When it came time to move there was still plenty of things sitting loose around the house not in a box. We had planned to borrow a truck from a friend of a friend to move our larger furniture. A few days before our planned move the person with the truck backed out of helping us. We asked around looking for another truck to borrow with no luck. Then we looked into renting a truck. The one moving type truck which is available through the base was not available the whole weekend. We then started looking at different rental places off base. We found nothing. We were planning on moving on Saturday. However, as of Friday morning we still had no vehicle to move with. On Friday afternoon a friend and I were driving around doing errands and trying one last ditch attempt to find a truck to rent. At 4:30 at the last place we went to - we found a van to rent. The catch was we had to take it right then and it had to be returned by 8 a.m. the next morning. Gulp. I called Josh and told him this was about our only option if we were going to move as scheduled. He said he'd be able to round up a helper or two at the last minute. So we got the van, drove it back to our house. We started the move around 5:30 and didn't stop until midnight. The organized moved I had hoped for turned into a chaotic panic where we were just throwing as much stuff into the van to try and get things done as fast as possible. If it was something which Josh and I felt we could move on our own with our cars we left it to deal with later. On Friday night we climbed into bed around 1 am in the new house. Exhausted, but in our new house.
Since then we've been unpacking, trying to organize and get things into their proper place. We still have things left at the old house. This weekend we were busy trying to gather up more of the "little stuff" at the old house to move over. As of Sunday evening there isn't too much left at the old house - maybe one or two more carloads. Then all we have left is getting the old place clean.
I am so happy with this new house. Everything is newer, cleaner, brighter. The cats have been happily running up and down the stairs. Our old house didn't have stairs - and then have been making up for lost time getting plenty of exercise. We recently made a big Ikea shopping run to get things for the house - a new entertainment center, some shelves for our bedroom, curtains. For the first time ever our living room actually looks put together and homey. I fully plan to post pictures of the new house with out furniture in it once our internet situation gets sorted out.
Our move went nothing like I had hoped (or planned). They never do. But. We are in the new house, the new house is wonderful, and we're all safe and happy. So really it was a success.
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