Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Markets

And now the fourth and final installment of Mom and Noelle's trip.

Friday, the day after we got back from Paris, was Noelle's birthday. Here's to turning 23! Originally I wanted us to go to Koln for the day - one of my favorite cities with one of the best Christmas markets that I have experienced. However, to get to Koln and get parked/situated, we really needed to be on the road before 10 AM. After our marathon excursion home, everyone was slow to get up, and everyone seemed happy to consider doing some more quiet and less ambitious for the day. We took our time in the morning, and in early afternoon went to Trier for the Christmas Market. We went to the market in Trier last year, and I liked it. Trier also had shopping (for Noelle), as well as a beautiful cathedral and a few other historical sites (so I could at least feel like I was showing Noelle something of value beyond shopping). I just generally love Trier, and we had a fun afternoon there.

That evening we went out to one of our favorite German restaurants, and Noelle got to have traditional schnitzel for her birthday dinner. I think it was a good day for her. The next day we decided to try out more Christmas Markets. We went to Bernkastle-Kues, which I haven't been to yet (which is ridiculous as it's only about a 45 minute drive from our house). Everyone raves about Bernkastle and their Christmas Market. I wasn't too impressed with the Christmas Market itself - there wasn't much there which got my attention. However, I did like the layout as the market sprawled through winding streets with lots of creative decorations. We did find some fun shops while we were there, including a little jewelry store where we all found treasures. I, in particular, found a few gems to add to my collection. I'll definitely head back to Bernkastle just for that shop.

We headed back home and headed to a local Christmas Market in Dudeldorf (yes, so ahead and giggle). Dudeldorf's Christmas Market is only during the first weekend of December. We didn't go last year as that was when I was enjoying the German hospital. When we got to the outskirts of Dudeldorf, there were cars parked all on the sides of the road. It seemed every available spot was taken. Josh was able to find a spot for us to squeak into, but we still had to walk a ways into the town. What I found interesting (and charming) about this market is instead of the usual booths, it seems people just opened up their garages and set out their crafts which they had been working on for the past year. I also found this market to be cheaper than other markets. It just had a much more... what the word?... homey? Quaint? feeling to it. The market snakes through the town weaving in and out of houses, garages, and stands. Everyone said it was their favorite market to date.

We spent Sunday being lazy around the house. I was game to attempt Koln or another near-by town for Christmas Markets or shopping, but everyone just wanted to relax. Which I was okay with as well. Movies were the order of the day. The next day, Monday, was their official last day here. We drove down to where I work so Noelle could pick up something for her job. We took advantage of being down in that area by going shopping. Mom was finally able to see where I go when I go shopping. I think they really enjoyed it. However, it had started to snow while we were shopping. Last winter we didn't have much snow at all, and I was questioning everyone's claims of Germany having crazy winters. By the time we got back on the road to drive home there was between 1-2 inches of snow on the ground, and it made driving a bit interesting (since this time, I have had more than one "interesting" drive into work). The rest of the evening was spent with everyone getting there things situated and packed up. The drive to the airport came pretty early the next morning - I wanted to leave with enough time in case the roads were bad. We got to the airport before any of the staff was there. I stayed while they got checked in, and then made my tearful good-byes. It was a rough drive home. I decided to spend my day feeling sorry for myself lazing on the couch watching movies.

All and all I think they had a great trip out. We were able to go a lot of places and do a lot of things. I had a lot of fun with them here. I only hope I've now convinced Noelle to come back out to visit.

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